Teach & Reach
“Teach and Reach,” the Menachem Education Foundation's (MEF) professional Mechaneches training program, was created with Mrs. Dena Gorkin, famed educator, founder and principal of Bnos Chomesh High School in Crown [...]
Friends of Shneur Hirsch Pitch in for His Dearest Project
Over 40 friends and family of businessman and philanthropist R’ Shneur Hirsch OBM gathered for an evening of inspiration as they learned about Our Heritage, a program near and dear [...]
Over 500 Empowered and Inspired at the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad
“At this year’s Kinus Mechanchos we were informed and educated, empowered and inspired at the same time,” says Mrs. Shana Teichtel, principal of Beis Rivkah High School in Crown Heights. [...]
Friends of Shneur Hirsch Pitch in for His Dearest Project
Over 40 friends and relatives of R' Shneur Hirsch OBM gathered in Crown Heights rallied around a program that was near and dear to his heart before his untimely passing [...]
Standing up for Emes – Rabbi Zalman Shneur
Greetings from MEF at the Gala Chinuch Banquet, Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5781
Moshiach Musings – Mrs. Nami Friedman
Chavrusa Launch at the Gala Chinuch Banquet, Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5781
Chinuch by Divine Design – Mrs. Zeesy Deren
Greetings from South Africa at the Gala Chinuch Banquet, Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5781
The Impact of Chinuch – Honoring Mrs. Vivi Deren
Special Presentation at the Gala Chinuch Banquet, K:inus Mechanchos Chabad 5781
“Teacher, Teacher, Where Are You?”
Comedy by Mrs. Chana Greenberg at the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5781
I Choose Chinuch
Banquet 5781
Menucha and Geulah in the Shlichus of Chinuch – Rabbi M. M. Gluckowsky
Keynote address at the Gala Chinuch Banquet, Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5781