Chinuch Lessons from Yetzias Mitzrayim
by Morah Chanie Feldman. As educators, we often find ourselves trying to assist a child with a particular challenge, whether social, emotional, or academic. When a child has a challenge, this is their personal Golus, and there is so much that we can learn from the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim for how to guide them toward their personal Geulah!Â
Chinuch Lessons from Yetzias Mitzrayim with Mrs. Chanie Feldman
Mechanchos Farbrengen Chodesh Nisan, 5782
Understanding Our Students’ Pathway to Growth with Mrs. Hadassa Shemtov
Mechanchos Farbrengen Chodesh Nisan, 5782
30 Chabad Principals Spend 2 Days in Florida for Leadership Retreat
30 Chabad school leaders from across the US and Canada gathered at the Menachem Education Foundation’s (MEF) Women’s Chabad School Leadership Retreat, where they enjoyed beautiful accommodations, gourmet meals and [...]
Chanoch Lenaar al Pi Darko – 5 Tips for Connection in the Classroom, with Mrs. Mushky Yiftach
Mechanchos Farbrengen for Rosh Chodesh Adar II, 5782
Chanoch Lenaar Al Pi Darko – Setting up the Classroom to Reach Every Child, with Mrs. Rivky Denburg
Mechanchos Farbrengen for Rosh Chodesh Adar II, 5782
Menahelim Gathered in Atlanta for Menahelei Moisdos Chinuch Training Retreat
Twenty Menahelim from across the US met for two days in Atlanta, Georgia, for the 8th cohort of the Menachem Education Foundation’s (MEF) Menahelei Mosdos Chinuch Training Retreat. Centered on [...]
“Finding Happiness Within: The G.R.O.W. Method” with Mrs. Nechama Laber
Mechanchos Farbrengen Rosh Chodesh Adar I, 5782
“When We’re Happy to Be Their Teacher” with Mrs. Devora Lewis
Mechanchos Farbrengen Rosh Chodesh Adar I, 5782
90 Chabad Educators Train in Mental Health First Aid
With rising awareness of the mental health challenges many young people face, what better place to focus our efforts as a community than in the classroom, where students spend most [...]
Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum: Tending to Our Students’ Needs
Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum is head of school at Cheder Menachem and Bais Chaya Mushka of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Shiffy Landa: Leadership Vs. Management – the Rebbe’s Way
Mechanchos Fargrengen, Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5782. Mrs. Shiffy Landa is a Shlucha and veteran educator in St. Louis, Missouri.