Klalei Hachinuch V’Hahadracha Study Guide
The Frierdiker Rebbe's Maamar, Klalei Hachinuch V'hahadracha - commonly known as the Principles of Education and Guidance - is a gift to Chabad educators. Menachem Education Foundation presents this study guide in honor of שנת הקהל, 5783.
Ms. Miriam Elberg Empowers Teens to Learn Chassidus
“Meet the Chinuch Shluchim” is a series that features Chabad teachers from different states, countries and demographics speaking about their life and Chinuch Shlichus. This week: Bais Rivkah High School [...]
“Tool and Inspiration from Klalei Chinuch Vehadrachah” with Rabbi Markowitz
Chavrusa Siyum and Relaunch, 4 Tishrei 5783
“Tool and Inspiration from Klalei Chinuch Vehadrachah” with Mrs. Geula Newman
Chavrusa Siyum and Relaunch, 4 Tishrei 5783
Rabbi Avraham Granat Doesn’t Have a Dull Moment
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Avraham Granat of Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida, on dealing with a terrible loss, his mastery of multiple trades, his role model from Las [...]
Launching Our Heritage International – Shnas Hakhel 5783
Launching Our Heritage International - Shnas Hakhel 5783
$250,000 Raised to Transfer Public School Kids to Yeshivahs
Take that, New York Times: A parlor meeting in a Crown Heights home raised $250,000 to fund the transfer of Jewish children from public schools to Chabad's Chassidic Yeshiva education [...]
$250,000 Raised to Transfer Public School Kids to Yeshivahs
Over a hundred supporters of the Menachem Education Foundation’s Our Heritage program gathered at the home of R’ Mendel Pinson in Crown Heights on Sunday evening, for a parlor meeting [...]
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim – Rabbi Shimmy Gerlitzky
With the Chinuch system under attack, the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) and COLlive.com launch the new feature series "Meet the Chinuch Shluchim": Oholei Torah teacher Rabbi Shimmy Gerlitzky on family [...]
MEF Grant Expanded to Enroll Public School Kids at Chabad
The Menachem Education Foundation is expanding the $25,000 matching grants, founded by businessman Rabbi Shneur Zalman Hirsch OBM, to enroll Jewish children from public schools into Chabad institutions. In honor [...]
MEF Grant Expanded to Enroll Public School Kids at Chabad
“My whole life has changed,” shares Gabriela, a young student who switched from public school to Mazel Day School in Brooklyn, NY last year. “I keep Shabbat, I go to [...]
Government Regulations Will Only Harm Our Yeshivas
Op-Ed by Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director of The Menachem Education Foundation, dedicated to improving Chinuch: "Are yeshiva graduates successful despite our education or because of our education?" “Without an [...]