This Teacher Loves the Outdoors – and an Actual Sefer
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Mendel Meyers, a fifth-grade teacher at Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles, California on how curiosity and unique hobbies outside of school have made him a [...]
One Visit Showed a Teacher What He Was Doing Wrong
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Eily Smith of the Mesivta at Lubavitch Educational Center (LEC) in Miami, Florida, on a powerful experience that transformed his teaching, instilling confidence, and teaching [...]
Chinuch Lessons from י”ט כסלו
We are all familiar with the story of the King's crown jewel being crushed into medicine as a mashal for revealing Chassidus in our times. This includes the Chiddush of [...]
How Do You Get 459 Public School Students to Enroll in Jewish Day Schools?
Fourth grader Gabriela’s whole life changed when she switched from public school to Mazel Day School, a Blue-Ribbon award-winning Chabad school in southern Brooklyn, New York. “I keep Shabbat and [...]
Let’s Talk About Teachers
Op-Ed by Mrs. Chanah Rose: If Chinuch is the most important role, then why is it the most difficult? Here are just a few reasons why. Teaching: the hardest job [...]
Chinuch Deserves More than a Million
As a community, where do we put our millions? On big shiny buildings? On media and outreach? All of those things are important, but today, our community is showing us what [...]
What the Menachem Education Foundation Will Do with the Funds they Raise
As the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) raises $1 Million for Chabad Chinuch in their “Success in Chinuch Starts with MEF” campaign, they share what they plan to do with the [...]
MEF’s Biggest Campaign Ever: $1 Million for Chinuch
Thirteen years ago, the Menachem Education Foundation made a commitment to be there for your child. To champion Chabad Chinuch across the board and do what it takes to create [...]
Thank You Morah
Thank You Morah is a powerful compilation of thank you letters and success stories, written by parents and children alike about the teachers who make all the difference.
“Creating a Strong Framework, So That You Can Teach With Love” with Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz
Rosh Chodesh Kislev learning and Farbrengen for Shnas Hakhel, 5783 לקוטי שיחות חלק טו וירא שיחה ג אגרות קודש חלק כ' עמוד לב