MEF Trains Teachers, Principals in Social-Emotional Curriculum
Chabad Mechanchim gathered at Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles, CA, for comprehensive training on MEF’s all-new curriculum “Project TOMiM,”, as part of their “Heart of Chinuch” social-emotional learning program. There [...]
10 Chinuch Messages in Basi Legani with Rabbi Nosson Gurary
Yud Shevat Farbrengen, 5783
67 Chabad School Leaders Attend MEF Leadership Retreat
67 Chabad School Leaders gathered in Great Neck, NY, on 22-23 Teves, January 15-16, 2023, for two days of networking, learning and empowerment at the Menachem Education Foundation’s annual Women’s [...]
What Teachers Want From the Directors
By Shaina Baumgarten, Preschool Teacher at Silverstein Hebrew Academy, Great Neck, NY A message from a teacher to her school director, presented at the Annual Women's Chabad School Leadership Retreat, [...]
How a First Grade Teacher Changed an Irritated Child’s Mood
Meet the Chinuch Shluchim: Rabbi Yisroel Raices, first-grade teacher at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown St, follows in his grandfather's footsteps, remembers a kind gesture of a parent, and shares 3 [...]
Dozens of Chabad Principals, Directors to Join Long Island Retreat
Leadership is not an expertise. Leadership is a constant education. Dozens of Chabad school principals and educational leaders plan to join a women-only leadership retreat in Great Neck, New York [...]
“Keeping the Fire Burning” with Rabbi Markowitz
From ה' טבת farbrengen, as part of the למען ישמעו ולמען ילמדו Hakhel series, תשפ"ג.
Reliving Hei Teiveis, and Its Lessons For Chinuch with Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz
ה' טבת Farbrengen from Mechanchos, part 2 of the series למען ילמדו ולמען ישמעו. Follow along: תורת מנחם חלק י, נר ג' דחנוכה, ה'תשי"ד - Chanuka Sicha on Chinuch [...]
What Hei Teves Reminds Teachers
At the celebratory farbrengen on Hei Teves 5747, the Rebbe emphasized a lesson for our Avodah from the whole ordeal. Part of the complaint was that Lubavitch isn’t a גוף [...]
“Creating a Strong Framework, So That You Can Teach With Love” with Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz
Rosh Chodesh Kislev learning and Farbrengen for Shnas Hakhel, 5783 לקוטי שיחות חלק טו וירא שיחה ג אגרות קודש חלק כ' עמוד לב
The Chinuch Miracle
There are many versions of the question that is asked, "What is the miracle of Chanuka?" Reading between the lines of its answers, perhaps we can say that Chinuch is the miracle [...]