We’ve Got a Solution for the Teacher Shortage Crisis in Chabad Schools
In the dynamic and vibrant world of Chabad Chinuch, a pressing issue has emerged – the scarcity of a new generation of dedicated teachers. Across Chabad schools nationwide, there is [...]
MEF Report Card! How MEF Spends Your $$ on Chinuch
With today’s world waiting more than ever for the Torah and Tefilla of Jewish children to take effect, bringing the Yeshua and Geulah that we need, the Menachem Education Foundation [...]
24 Chabad Schools Helped by Coaching to Better Their Chinuch
When schools invest in their staff, students are the ones who benefit. With the help of the Menachem Education Foundation’s Consultancy Program, 24 schools so far this year have provided [...]
The Beginning of Chabad Chinuch and Hadracha – Rabbi Schapiro
Mechanchim Farbrengen 9 Kislev 5784
‘Our Heritage’ Helped Transfer a Jewish Boy From Christian School
Last week, the Menachem Education Foundation hosted a successful event in Crown Heights to raise funds for its growing Our Heritage program. The program, initiated in the summer of 2020, [...]
107 Jewish Students From Public Schools Transfer to Chabad
At a time when Jewish college students face unprecedented challenges, grappling with rising instances of antisemitism, one pioneering program is taking a proactive stance in fortifying the foundation of Jewish [...]
The Gift of Tefilla
The biggest question that educators ask today is how we can foster our students’ Yiras Shamayim. While there is no magic wand, I have seen so many students profoundly impacted when they started to put effort into Davening. To help you bring this kind of impact into your classroom, here are the 4 Ps that you can think about when teaching Tefilla:
Why I Chose Chinuch
Twenty aspiring Mechanchim participated in the program led by Rabbi Levke Kaplan, receiving individualized mentorship, completing over 30 courses in Pedagogy, and gaining hands-on classroom experience. The program equipped them [...]