The Shlichus of Chinuch: Why I Choose Chinuch with Rabbi Daniel Schochet
Ask the Mechaneches – Ensuring a Successful Summer
How can we ensure our teenagers who are counselors in camp have a productive summer that enhances their growth? By: Mrs. Dena Gorkin, Principal of Bnos Chomesh Academy There [...]
52 Chabad Menahelim Join Leadership Retreat in Coral Springs
52 principals from more than 30 schools across the United States gathered for the annual Chabad Men’s Leadership Retreat organized by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) on 23 and 24 [...]
25 Chabad Principals Join Leadership Retreat in LA
What happens when 25 school leaders gather together and ask hard questions, like “How do you lead a diverse school community?”, “What are new challenges you are seeing in Chinuch [...]
How Do We Measure Growth? Part II
Chinuch From the Inside Out: As seen in the EmBRace Magazine By: Mrs. Chanah Rose Read Part I Here All or Nothing Another potential pitfall to the checklist mentality, that [...]
The Very Best Place for a Morah
Produced by the Kinus Comedy Committee for the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad 5783
How Do We Measure Growth? Part I
Chinuch From the Inside Out: As seen in the EmBRace Magazine By: Mrs. Chanah Rose In the quest to measure, track and encourage the growth of our students and [...]
Ask the Mechanech
How do we explain troubling events to children, such as what happened in 770? Answer by Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, CEO and Head of School of Yeshiva Schools in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [...]
How to Connect Our Talmidim to the Rebbe
Mechanchim Farbrengen with Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Hodakov (Coral Springs), Rabbi Menachem Mendel Dov Yusevitz (New York).