

MEF Teacher Recommended Books

With Hei Teves coming up, how can you make an informed decision about which books to bring into your home and classroom? We asked teachers to share their best books and here's a list of their recommendations!

Mechanchim Farbrengen

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Bringing the Text to Life

Teaching Tip: By Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator Making texts feel more meaningful and engaging in honor of Hei Teves: This month, we celebrate the return of the seforim, and we celebrate learning. [...]

How do we keep our children from being influenced today by Western culture?

The key is always adding light. Me’at ohr doche harbe choshech—a little light dispels much darkness. When we fill our homes and our children’s lives with the kedusha, light and warmth of Torah, Mitzvos, and Chassidishe chinuch, the influences of the outside world naturally fade away.

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