Teaching Navi: Stories, Skills, or Something Else?
Hayom Yom of 19 Adar I says, “Chassidim, even those of average spiritual stature, used to be thoroughly knowledgeable (baki) in the Tanach…It was their regular custom to read chapters of Tanach while putting away their tallis and tefillin. Their schedule enabled them to complete the entire Tanach in three months.”
Our Heritage 5785
“Celebrating the Rebbe’s call” with Rabbi Menachem Klyne
Mechanchim Farbrengen for Chodesh Shevat
“Celebrating the Rebbe’s call” with Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf
Mechanchim Farbrengen for Chodesh Shevat
“Internalizing Hiskashrus: Shoot for The Stars” with Mrs. Rochie Cohen
Mechanchos Farbrengen for Yud Shevat and Chof Bais Shevat, 5785
“Internalizing Hiskashrus: It Starts With You” with Mrs. Chanie Pewzner
Meet the Chinuch Shliach: Rabbi Dovber Bryski
Please introduce yourself: I teach fourth grade at Cheder Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights. I’m on Shlichus in nearby Flatbush and have the zchus to have a Chinuch shlichus at [...]
MEF Hosts Women’s Donor Appreciation Event
The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) recently hosted a Women's Donor Appreciation Event to celebrate and express heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated supporters. This gathering was unique in that it was not a fundraiser, but rather a special evening devoted to acknowledging the significant contributions of MEF's women donors, whose commitment plays a crucial role in enabling their work.
Ask the Mechanches: Mrs. Gitty Meyers
My daughter has friends who are bullying a classmate. What’s the best way to help her navigate the situation—doing the right thing without losing friends?
5 Ways to Grow Like A Tree & Be An EverGrowingEducator
5 Ways to Grow Like A Tree & Be An EverGrowingEducator
Meet Our Heritage Student of the Month: Sabrina
"In a Jewish school, everyone is nicer and the teachers care a lot more about you. I also like Jewish learning because it is a lot of writing and I love to write. I also like Parsha because I get to learn different stories about the Jewish history."
Mechanchim Farbrengen with Rabbi Zelly Silber