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I’m a School Leader. How can the Zekelman Standards help my school?

I’m a School Leader. How can the Zekelman Standards help my school?

Without clear goals, how can we assess student progress, distribute the learning among teachers and grade levels, or track our school’s efficacy in building lifelong learnings? The Zekelman Standards were created to enable Judaic Studies instruction to be data driven, creating the possibility for clear curriculum maps, authentic assessments, class-wide and individual student analysis, and action plans to ensure student learning. 

Dozens of schools have adopted the Zekelman Standards as their roadmap for teaching Chumash, transforming student outcomes. You can start with one standard or skill area, dive in with one grade level at a time, or adopt the complete standards as a whole. We’re here to help you.

  • Click here to download a free Deployment Guide, containing a helpful guide to standards implementation.
  • MEF offers consultation and professional development to ensure successful implementation of the Zekelman Standards. Click here to request a free initial consultation with our team.
2024-05-22T15:13:36-04:00May 22, 2024||

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