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I’m a Chumash Teacher. How can the Zekelman Standards help my students?

I’m a Chumash Teacher. How can the Zekelman Standards help my students?

The Zekelman Standards allow you to identify clear and specific goals for your students, align your curriculum and assessments to those goals, and track your students’ mastery to ensure that each one can succeed. With the Zekelman Standards for Chumash, you can unlock your students’ potential by shifting from “teaching a Posuk or Perek” to “teaching students how to learn.” By using a standards-based approach, students will build vital skills to enable them to learn new Pesukim and then Meforshim with increasing independence, so that when they graduate from your care, they can continue to grow in their learning.

While school-wide implementation is the ideal approach to the Zekelman Standards, hundreds of teachers around the world have benefited from enriching their understanding of teaching Chumash, gaining new techniques for increasing rigor in their classroom, and shifting their approach from coverage to skills. And we’re here to help.

  • You can start by browsing the Standards or downloading Resources to expand your horizons and gain useful tools and resources for teaching Chumash.
  • Our self-paced webinar series will elevate your Chumash lessons and give you a robust understanding of this new way of teaching.
  • Have questions? We’re happy to talk. Click here to request a free consultation with one of our team members.
2024-05-22T15:11:36-04:00May 22, 2024||

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