8 03, 2021

Chumash: Literal and Contextual Meanings (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:07:53-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

8 03, 2021

Chumash: Logical Sequencing (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:08:09-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

8 03, 2021

Chumash: Comparing and Contrasting (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:08:29-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

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