Rabbi Shimon Raichik – Cultivating Hiskashrus In Our Classrooms
Mechanchos Farbrengan Shvat
Mechanchos Farbrengan Shvat
A Veshinantam learning activity in action. Find this resource at www.zekelmanstandards.org.
A Veshinantam learning activity in action. Find this resource at www.zekelmanstandards.org.
Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards,org.
Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.
Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.
Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.
Mechaneches Training 5780
Chabad Chinuch Convention and Retreat 5778/2018
Chabad Chinuch Convention 5777, Keynote Address