My Ten Commandments of Teaching

Teaching Tip
by Mushkie Lipsker @evergrowingeducator

My Ten Commandments of Teaching

I wrote these up for myself, so that I always have my “personal commandments” to refer to. I encourage you to do the same, whether you choose to have the same ones or your own.

I –  Thou shalt remember that the teacher-student “relationship” comes first.

II –  Remember that learning never ends, and that a teacher must always look for additional growth opportunities.

III –  Thou shalt live with the times. Our students are living in an ever-changing world. And in an ever-changing world, I need to be an ever-growing-educator. 

IV –  Learn to recognize emotional struggles that a child may have or be going through.

V –  Respect your students, in order that your teaching days shall be most impactful to the students.

VI  –  Imbue your classes with thy passions and encourage thy students to do the same.

VII –  Make your class a safe space, where students feel respected by their peers and want to learn from each other.

VIII –  Recognize that growth comes from mistakes, both for students and teachers.

IX  – Recognize how different each child is and how they may have different needs and strengths.

X –  Remember that Torah and Yiddishkeit is not a subject, but a way of life.

For more on these “commandments” and other education-mindsets, visit

2024-06-07T11:12:33-04:00June 4, 2024|Blog Post|

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