Educators Share Lasting Impact from the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad

The Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) has announced its 9th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, to take place on י”א -י”ב תמוז, חג הגאולה, תשפ”ד, July 17-18, 2024, at the Hilton Stamford Hotel & Executive Meeting Center. Prior to the launch, MEF surveyed previous years’ participants regarding any lasting impact that they took with them from the sessions, workshops, farbrengens, and networking that they attended.

The many respondents shared enthusiastic reviews about how inspiring and impactful the Kinus was. Rather than a one time event to enjoy at the time, it was an inspiring and rejuvenating two days that took Mechanchos to the next level in their teaching.

Sara Weiss, a Chumash teacher at Bais Chana in Delaware, shared: “After coming back last year from the Kinus, especially as I am still new to the world of Chinuch, I felt the incredible community and support that I needed to help me bring what I can to my classroom. I have brought in so many new ideas … about building a more wholesome classroom environment. Whether it was through the workshops that taught me about how to make my students learning experience more interactive, or talking about the sensitivities that can come up in a girls’ school specifically, I have continuously been tapping into the energy that the Kinus built for me and I look forward to continuing to be able to attend this year as well.”

Teachers and principals alike are looking forward to this coming year’s Kinus Mechanchos, commenting on both the Gashmius and the Ruchnius offered. As Mrs. Chanie Pinson, Principal at Bais Rebbe of Los Angeles, CA, put it: “Every workshop, meal and presentation was meticulously planned to address the needs of Chinuch in 5783. The atmosphere was phenomenal and just as we went from four to eight participants from our school this year, we hope to double next year as well.”

Three different teachers from Louisiana, Texas and Kentucky all shared how they had an extremely challenging school year, and the Kinus Mechanchos reinspired and reinvigorated them for the new year.

“I was so burnt out from an extremely challenging school year. The Kinus allowed me space to breathe, learn and refocus the importance of chinuch and my role as a Morah.”

“The session with Rabbi Silber made me feel prepared and excited to go into teaching a new grade. Between his session and a few others, along with talking to some other teachers by the tables, I no longer felt burnt out, But rather excited about starting another year as a teacher.”

“I was super burnt out from a very difficult class this year, and looking to refresh and be reinspired. I had a wonderful time.”

Principals and teachers flew in from all over the world, including Brazil, South Africa, Panama, United Kingdom, Australia and more because, as Mrs. Chana Tunk, Kodesh Principal at Lubavitch Girls London shared, “It empowered me to go further in my efforts for my students and personal relationships as a mechaneches. The networking is priceless; I left with new ideas and perspectives.”

Responses showed that the Kinus inspired teachers to invest more in their teaching, become more innovative in their classrooms, and improve their connections with their students. “I learned how to believe more in the students, to try to connect better, have conversations, and be more empathetic,” said Dvora Léa Koncepolski, Teacher at Gani, S.Paulo- Brazil. “I started to give them opportunities for them to write to me and I responded by investing in our bond.”

On the early childhood level, Esther Rivkah Telsner, preschool teacher at Oholei Torah, NY shared. “My students are exposed to much more sensory materials and my lessons are reflective of whole body learning.”

The Kinus Hamechanchos serves as a testament to enduring the power of education and support for teachers. As teachers integrate newfound knowledge and insights into their classrooms, the ripple effects are felt far and wide, enriching the lives of countless students. Each year, the Kinus reaffirms its role not just as a professional gathering but as a catalyst for transformation, nurturing a community of Mechanchos dedicated to excellence in Chabad Chinuch.

Registration for this year’s Kinus Hamechanchos opens after Pesach! Mark your calendars and find more information on .

2024-04-09T11:25:46-04:00April 9, 2024|Blog Post|

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