Ask the Mechanech

How do we explain troubling events to children, such as what happened in 770?

Answer by Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, CEO and Head of School of Yeshiva Schools in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

After his daughter’s passing, the Alter Rebbe took responsibility for the Chinuch of her young child, the Tzemach Tzedek. When the Tzemech Tzedek began learning Chumush Vayikra, he asked his grandfather why there was a small alef. The Alter Rebbe seized this opportunity for a teaching moment about humility verse arrogance. The Rebbe reflects on why the Alter Rebbe chose to teach this lesson rather than directly answering the question. The key, according to the Rebbe, is to transform a child’s inquiry into a valuable learning moment. 

In relation to recent events, such as addressing incidents like the one in 770, the Rebbe encourages parents and teachers to turn answers into teaching moments. Acknowledging the wrongdoing and discussing its effects, especially in the age of internet and social media, can serve as a teaching moment. We must remember that our demeanor plays a significant role in the conversation. Expressing pain about the tremendous chill Hashem is appropriate but remaining calm and thoughtful enhances the effectiveness of the conversation. 

The Ibn Ezra says that Moshe Rabbeinu was educated in the house of Paroah and not in the house of Yidden. Growing up in a royal home enabled him to have the confidence, determination and empowerment to transform himself and transform the world around him. The Rebbe encourage us to  accomplish great things but we must keep everything in context. The Rebbe encouraged the expansion of 770. But at the end of the day, one must have Kabbalos Ol, listening to the Rabbanim the Hanhola and  to authority. 

In conclusion, the most important thing is to turn situations like this into a teaching moment and have a conversation with our children about it in a calm and thoughtful manner.

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2024-02-01T11:12:12-05:00February 1, 2024|Blog Post|

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