A Word With: Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Solomon
Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Solomon serves as College Rabbi to Moriah College’s 1,500 students in Sydney, AU, and the author of “The Educational Teachings of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.” Rabbi Solomon [...]
Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Solomon serves as College Rabbi to Moriah College’s 1,500 students in Sydney, AU, and the author of “The Educational Teachings of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.” Rabbi Solomon [...]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following finalists were nominated for the Chinuch Awards 5777: Caring and Connection by parents, students, fellow teachers and members of the administration. They were chosen based on their exemplary way [...]
The following finalists were nominated for the Chinuch Awards 5777: Caring and Connection by parents, students, fellow teachers and members of the administration. They were chosen based on their exemplary way [...]
As we prepared for the Chinuch Job Fair, we found ourselves wondering what inspires people to get involved in Chinuch. To get the answer we turned to those we know [...]
Earlier this year, mechanchos gathered at several Melava Malkas to network, discuss and inspire each other. They shared tips for their fellow teachers, and we wanted to share them with [...]
This years Chinuch Awards are underway, and it is exciting to see so many new nominations coming in. All it takes for a teacher to have a chance to win [...]
Adapted from an interview with Rabbi Feigelstock, a long time mechanech and principal of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Montreal, conducted by Rabbi Shneur. The ideas that Rabbi Feigelstock discuss [...]
BY: RABBI AVTZON Reb Aharon Zakon was a Chassidic bochur (Talmudic Student) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, which at the time of this story, in 1947, was part of the Soviet Union, [...]
Her future students are currently enjoying camp and warm weather, but Miss Esty Newfield is already thinking about the new school year at her 2nd grade class in Bais Rivkah [...]
On the 5th and 6th of Kislev, 12 mechanchim from across the country traveled to the West Coast for a two-day symposium on Chabad school leadership. Hosted and facilitated by [...]