About Michael Caras

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So far Michael Caras has created 62 blog entries.
17 03, 2021

Revisiting Education

2021-03-17T14:01:23-04:00March 17, 2021|Resources|

Chinuch today is more complex than ever with never-before-seen challenges facing our youth. Parents and educators struggle to find way to inspire our children with the same fire and passion that has long sustained Chassidishe Chinuch through the generations. As the greater Chabad community questions and debates how to reinvigorate our Chinuch system, it is imperative to find answers to the core issues we are facing. MEF commissioned JLI’s Machon Shmuel, the Sami Rohr Research Institute division, to study a few of the most pressing Chinuch questions educators face today and draw up a comprehensive report of its findings.

8 03, 2021

Chumash: Literal and Contextual Meanings (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:07:53-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

8 03, 2021

Chumash: Logical Sequencing (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:08:09-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

8 03, 2021

Chumash: Comparing and Contrasting (Dr. Sara Rosenfeld)

2024-03-18T15:08:29-04:00March 8, 2021|Practical Teaching, Videos|

Chumash and Parsha teachers, students, or anyone who wants to learn how to learn, watch this clip to witness a host of Chumash skills being pulled together on the first few Pesukim of Parshas Vayeira. Find more resources on www.zekelmanstandards.org.

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