A Pesach Message from Rabbi Zalman Shneur

As we prepare to celebrate the Pesach, “Zman Cheiruseinu”, our hearts are filled with reflection and contemplation. These past six months have been fraught with challenges unlike any in recent memory, from the devastating events of Simchas Torah to the turmoil of war, and the looming threats from Iran today. It is hard to feel the season of freedom and redemption when there are still hostages that are captive in Gaza and so much uncertainty.

Yet, as has been the case for generations, Klal Yisrael can find incredible strength in our Emunah and Achdus in the face of adversity.

We are reminded of a profound lesson from the Purim story – the turning point which occurred in the month of Nissan, on Pesach. As the Jewish people are fasting and davening to Hashem for salvation, we learn how Mordechai encountered three children on the streets of Shushan who were returning from Cheder. As he questioned them about what they learned in school that day, each child recited a different Possuk of “Al Tirah.”

The Rebbe expounds on this encounter at great length in Likkutei Sichos, emphasizing not merely what the children said, but how they said it – with complete and pure Emunah that is the hallmark of young children. Their unwavering Bitachon and Emunah Pshuta reflected the strength of their Chinuch, providing reassurance to Mordechai amidst the looming threat of annihilation.

As we prepare for the Seder, the cornerstone of passing on our heritage from one generation to the next, we are reminded of the essential Mitzvah of this special night: “Vehigadita Libincha”.

Pesach reminds us of the paramount importance of Chinuch, particularly how we impart it to our children. Our efforts in Chinuch hold the key to our collective future. It is not solely about the knowledge we transmit, but the values, convictions, and Emunah we instill within them. For it is through the children that the ultimate Geulah will be revealed.

At this time of chaos around the world, we are steadfast in our Emunah. Just as Mordechai was reassured in Shushan, we can feel confident that through a strong Chinuch and the power of thousands of Yiddishe children, with their innocent prayers and unwavering faith in redemption, Hashem will deliver us once again from our enemies.

May this Pesach bring brachos for peace in Eretz Yisrael and around the world, and may this year be the year we merit the Geulah HaAmitis Vehashleima with the coming of Mashiach Now.

Wishing you all a chag kasher v’sameach!

2024-04-16T16:03:13-04:00April 16, 2024|Blog Post|

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