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40 Principals Meet in Crown Heights

As the Kinus Hashluchos drew to a close on Monday, over 40 principals from around the world continued to invest in their unique Shlichus with a meeting of those in school leadership positions. From Crown Heights to Kentucky and from Oregon to England, these principals spent the remainder of Chof Bais Shevat collaborating on leadership challenges, and sharing support, resources, ideas and solutions. The event was organized by the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF) and beautifully hosted by Mozzarrella.

In the spirit of תשועה ברוב יועץ, Mrs. Chanie Geisinsky of Silverstein Hebrew Academy in Great Neck led a “dilemma consultancy protocol,” allowing principals to serve as one another’s greatest resource. Round-table discussions over lunch were divided by grade level and school type, and facilitated by Mrs. Chany Okonov of Mazel Day School, Brighton Beach; Mrs. Rivky Denburg of Margate Hebrew Academy, Coral Springs; Mrs. Chana Gray of Monsey Bais Chaya Mushka High School; and Mrs. Chedvy Baras of All My Children Daycare, Crown Heights.

In the final segment of the program, principals focused on the issue of “Kids in Pain,” sharing awareness of the struggles their students experience, and working together to come up with ways to ease their path. Mrs. Dena Gorkin’s closing remarks inspired Mechanchos to learn from the Mesiras Nefesh of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka in continuing to dedicate themselves to Chinuch. She also spoke about the sensitivity that we need to have toward our students, and urged principals to “keep their eye on the prize,” in the form of graduates who are starting Jewish families of their own. 

School leaders left invigorated, with new connections to keep up and new tools to apply. As Mrs. Yael Rosenberger of Chabad Girls Academy in Crown Heights later wrote, “I was able to connect with some new principals and discuss important topics that we are working on developing better in our school. The activities that you planned helped us focus our conversation on very meaningful things, and I just wanted to express my gratitude for allowing me to be a part of this.”

2020-02-25T10:42:22-05:00February 25, 2020|News|

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