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25 Chabad Principals Join Leadership Retreat in LA

What happens when 25 school leaders gather together and ask hard questions, like “How do you lead a diverse school community?”, “What are new challenges you are seeing in Chinuch today?”, “Where do you draw strength to continue doing your work?”, “How do you address the issue of technology in your school,” and more?

What happens is a candid and powerful exchange of ideas, practical strategies, and new perspectives, and that’s what took place at the Leadership Banquet, climax of a two day Chabad School Leadership Retreat that took place in Los Angeles last month.

Organized by the Menachem Education Foundation and generously hosted by Bais Chaya Mushka / Bais Rebbe of Los Angeles, the retreat brought women in school leadership roles together for professional development workshops, networking and collaboration, school tours and inspiration.

The leaders spanned Day Schools and Chedarim from early childhood through seminary, and hailed from: Montreal, Toronto, Crown Heights, Boro Park, Long Island, Monsey, Miami, Houston, Seattle, Portland, and throughout California.

What brought them together was a shared commitment to excellence in carrying out the Shlichus of school leadership in all of its forms.

Mrs. Mimi Wilhelm of Portland, OR  joined as both a participant and a presenter. As a first time attendee of this retreat, she shared: “The program was professional, insightful and up to date with current leadership models strategies. The speakers were excellent and the atmosphere lent itself to a quality networking experience due to the many experienced and passionate directors in the room.”

Other principals have turned to this annual event as their “greatest source of Chizuk in this Shlichus” in the three years that it has taken place.

Other workshop presenters included: Rabbi Zalmy Kudan, Educational Director of Lamplighters Academy in Oxnard, CA; Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum, Dean of Bais Chaya Mushka, Bais Rebbe and Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles; and Rabbi Yosef Shusterman, Director of Chabad of North Beverly Hills and Rav of the Chabad community in Los Angeles.

Words of inspiration were also shared by Mrs. Shana Tiechtel, Dean Emeritus of Bais Rivkah High School; Mrs. Geula Newman, local Shlucha and Mechaneches in Bais Rebbe middle school, Mrs. Chaya Schapiro, also a Mechaneches in Bais Rebbe; Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director of MEF, and all of the Menahalos of the local Moisdois sharing their stories and best practices.

In addition to visiting the host schools for grades 1-8, participants in early childhood education got to tour Zlata’s Little Lights preschool, and high school principals observed classrooms in Ohel Chana High School nearby.

On behalf of all the participants, and the combined 3,500 students in their reach, MEF thanks the dedicated hostesses and committee members: Mrs. Rochie Charytan, Principal, Bais Chaya Mushka LA; Mrs. Danielle Forer, General Studies Principal, Ohel Chana, LA; Mrs. Gavi Groberman: Early Childhood Director, Seattle Jewish Montessori, WA; Mrs. Mushkie Lipsker, Academic Director, Jewish Online School, NY; Mrs. Chaya Matusof, Principal, Cheder Chabad Florida, FL; Mrs. Rivkah Moorvitch, General Studies Principal, Bais Chaya Mushka, LA; Mrs. Chanie Pinson, Principal, Bais Rebbe, LA; Mrs. Aidie Shusterman, Early Childhood Director, Zlatas Little Lights, LA; Mrs. Batsheva Slapochnik, Principal, Beth Rivkah High School, Montreal; and Mrs. Chaya Rochel Zaetz, Principal, Bais Rebbe, LA.

The committee chose the program theme of “Redefining Our Role as School Leaders Today,” and this took place most significantly in that collaborative conversation over dinner, where every principal’s voice was heard. The most common perspectives that emerged were practical tools for how to best juggle the needs of school and family,  the need to see every child’s potential and meet every student where they are at, a supportive approach to helping teachers meet their goals, and looking to the the Rebbe’s directives and brachos to help fuel us in our unique and holy Shlichus of Chinuch.

Find out about other upcoming events for professional development and inspiration, for teachers and principals in Chabad Chinuch, at


2024-03-15T13:25:42-04:00March 15, 2024|News|

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